English 03/02/2022

Նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական։

There are many tables in the room.
Are there many tables in the room?
There are no tables in the room.

It is a beautiful flower.
Is it a beautiful flower?
It is not a beautiful flower.

I am an English teacher.
Am i an english teacher?
I am not n english teacher.

We can read English books.
Can we read English books
We cannot read English books.

She can skip well.
Can she skip well.
She cannot skip well.


My Friends

I have many many friends. They have beautiful names, such as Hayk, Lilit, Ruzanna, Harut and Eliza. They are all eight years all. My friends live in Yerevan, Armenia. We like to play on our phones. From my friends only Ruzanna got a dog. She loves her dog. I don’t have any pets in my house, but my cousins do. I am a very good friend to my friends and they are also good, so we are best friends.

English 11/03/2021

Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը

  • He hasmany cars.
  • I have a sister.
  • You have many books.
  • It has big ears.

Պատասխանելով հարցերին գրիր փոքրիկ պատում, վերնագրիր այսպես`My toys

I have many toys. I have legos, teddy bear, balls, dolls and make up for kids. I love to play with my toys. I don’t really like to share my toys with other kids. But sometimes do share just to be nice. My favorite toy is make up for kids. I like it because i can do make up and look pretty.